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  • Writer's pictureSuzanne Saunders

The Journey of a Holistic Cook Book: Conscious Cookery

Updated: Nov 19, 2020

Seasonal Recipes & Inspirations from Sunny Brow Farm Holistic Retreat 


Conscious Cookery is my first cook book; it is a fusion of my journey into healthy eating, nutritional awareness of our bodies needs, wild foods and home grown harvests, Macrobiotics and the five elements, and a connection to the cycle of the seasons.

The journey of the cookbook began when I moved to Sunny Brow Farm, and stepped closer to nature, each year I have felt myself deepening into the energies in and around me.  By understanding these energies, the cycle of the seasons, and the ingredients that nature provides,  I opened to a deeper connection, sensitivity and self care. I had learnt the 5 elements on a theoretical level on the three year training at the International Macrobiotic School, a course that was inspiring and life changing; then moving to Sunny brow gave me the opportunity to find my own practical way with this awareness.

On the surface the book is a great vegan and plant based diet cook book, with advise on reducing processed foods, and choosing foods that are still full of life and vitality such as, whole grains, pulses and lentils, vegetables, sea vegetables fresh and dried fruit, seeds, nuts, wild foods and fermented foods. 

At its core it is a healing with Mother Earth and her elements;  we are nature, we are the elements, looking to what nature provides us, to the cycle of life, within each year and each day we can come more into balance. As the cycle changes we can link our awareness, and bodies, by the foods we eat and the cooking methods we choose, by the subtle wisdoms of nature, and the wisdoms in our own hearts.  When we eat something we are taking its energy into our bodies, it will have a nutritional, but also energetic impact. To build an understanding, and work with this can help to bring us back into balance, flow with greater ease in our individual lives, and give us strength and vitality to be who we truly are.

The seasonal sections in the book were written, cooked and photographed in the right season to fully bring in the energy of each time of year.  Every recipe has a photograph. The recipes created in each seasonal section are connected to what is available at that time of year, and are also based on the energies that can give us an underlying support at each time of year. As I delved into each season to write and cook for the book the magic began to flow more and more. Having Triin and Kerttu with me for photography and design was also a real gift, that excelled the book to what is now. Much thanks to these beautiful souls.

For me to connect with nature, is to connect with each season in turn, to honour and respect, and get insight and harmony from tuning in.  This was the journey of the book. I truly hope that as you hold the book it gifts a healing of the elements and the nature that supports us, as this was one of my main intentions.  I am looking forward to seeing the book fly into the world, good luck book.. go go.. LAUNCH DATE = 30TH APRIL 2018. 

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